Sudipta Bhowmick ئاپەکان

Monthly payment and fees record book 2.6.2
Sudipta Bhowmick
A simple checklist app to keep track of payment you receivefromothers. Useful for people keeping track of monthly paymentssuch asprivate tutors, teachers, corporate business men or women,hotel,hostel or home rental can track their own monthly feescollectionrecord in category and group. SMS Receipt: every paymentyou makethe app automatically sends an sms receipt to the personthat isinvolved in the transaction so automatically it gets savedon thesms records of both sides. It's like a virtual receipt andthis wayboth sides know the payment was completed. The app keepstrack ofthe payments every month so if a payment doesn't get paidthen theapp puts the person in the not paid group. This saves yourtime tocheck which person and which payments have been made orarepending. A track on the payment personally can also be seen onthepersons view. Payments can also be skipped if for examplesomeoneis missing for a month and shouldn't proceed with thatmonths fee.The amount someone pays are can also be recorded withease. Importcontacts: You can either register new contacts manuallyor justsimply import them from you phone. Multiple management:PaymentChecklist allows you to manage 3 different batch or servicesin asingle app. Payment Checklist stores all data locally on themobiledevice and does not need any internet connectivity tofunction. so,utilize the app and share your valuable feedback withus.
Test Easy - make online test 4.3.6
Sudipta Bhowmick
make your own online mock test, set multiple choice questions &share with ease.